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Salesforce Einstein Relationship Insights: the AI-powered research agent to help sales teams increase leads
Einstein Relationship Insights (ERI) autonomously mines the web and disparate data sources to uncover account and contact information about customers, prospects, and companies. Salesforce is introducing a new AI-powered research tool called Einstein Relationship [...]
Salesforce Adopts European Union’s New Cloud Code of Conduct
European Union Cloud Code Of Conduct - EU Cloud COC This May marks the third anniversary of the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The three years since GDPR became [...]
Pick Up & Deliver : Nadege De Biasio, Head of IWD Business Support & Development, Nordea
The challenge for us today is more on the understanding of data The challenge for us today is more on the understanding of data Nordea Asset Management, is part of the Nordea Group, [...]